brain dump of ideas, beliefs, advice, etc. generally less structured
a lot, maybe most “venture” backed founders don’t actually want to make venture scale companies - a lot of people talk about how venture went from this niche boutique business to this massive thing but i think this is miss understood. so many times i’ve heard i want to make b2b or devtool but then stay stripe then say n of 1, can’t replicate or you know company’s founder made money who cares if it went nowhere
i am generally a big memetic fitness guy and just found this interesting as a counteer from qwern - memetic fitness in ideas are weird, might not be as strong to use them as a judge of fitness of ideas like biological ideas
my counter would be: there are some ideas that die by just having bad TFR and actually go extinct causing at least at some level a real fitness function here but this is a weak selection pressure and acts slowly but can be exponential
this is the longest time in history we have had peace → same as nothing is changing???
not the end of history we have solved our problem and have deterance
but rather both the peace and the stagnation create these loop of each other?

there is such a thing as value, it is definitely** proportional to money but money is a bad proxy **maybe value is energy in the abstract but this quest for what is really valuable in the world is an important one that i don’t think most people spend much time thinking about
i believe in some capacity if you have the ability to do great work, then it is your “moral imperative” to do so - to do the hard things and reshape the world
there aren’t 180-190 sovereign countries, i’ve been noodling in my head that there about 20-25, that can make truly independent decisions some examples india (can say no to russian oil sanctions or fuck off to canada), saudi, israel, obviously the us, china and russia - definitely not europe
a samo burja claim is that there are even less maybe 6-7 it’s not just ability to make these independently decisions today but the sorta land mass plus population plus industrial base and such that creates very few truly sovereign blocks
a second point here, the stated in the empire aren’t powerless to its leadership obviously the 50 states in the union have direct power but the numerous other states in pax american have influence and power